We have been directing the energies of our scientists to the development of weapons and materials and methods, on a large number of relatively narrow projects initiated and controlled by the Office of Scientific Research and Development and other Government agencies. Uncertainties as to the attitude of the Bureau of Internal Revenue regarding the deduction of research and development expenses are a deterrent to research expenditure. This view was at the core Expand. In providing government support, however, we must endeavor to preserve as far as possible the private support of research both in industry and in the colleges, universities, and research institutes. Each year under this program 6,000 undergraduate scholarships would be made available to high school graduates, and 300 graduate fellowships would be offered to college graduates. Our population increased from 75 million to 130 million between 1900 and 1940. The history of medical science teaches clearly the supreme importance of affording the prepared mind complete freedom for the exercise of initiative. Download citation. Publicly and privately supported colleges and universities and the endowed research institutes must furnish both the new scientific knowledge and the trained research workers. But without scientific progress no amount of achievement in other directions can insure our health, prosperity, and security as a nation in the modern world. While additional physicians, hospitals, and health programs are needed, their full usefulness cannot be attained unless we enlarge our knowledge of the human organism and the nature of disease. It is recommended that measures which will encourage and facilitate the preparation and publication of reports be adopted forthwith by all agencies, governmental and private, possessing scientific information released from security control. The Government can accomplish significant results in several ways: by aiding in the arrangement of international science congresses, in the official accrediting of American scientists to such gatherings, in the official reception of foreign scientists of standing in this country, in making possible a rapid flow of technical information, including translation service, and possibly in the provision of international fellowships. These results have been achieved through a great amount of basic research in medicine and the preclinical sciences, and by the dissemination of this new scientific knowledge through the physicians and medical services and public health agencies of the country. Interestingly, this . Relation to National Security. To get top leadership there must be a relatively large base of high ability selected for development and then successive skimmings of the cream of ability at successive times and at higher levels. We should also get it to the men studying overseas so that they will know what has happened in their absence. Separation of the sciences in tight compartments, as would occur if more than one agency were involved, would retard and not advance scientific knowledge as a whole. Learn more about ebooks and audio from Princeton University Press. The Army and Navy should continue to carry on research and development on the improvement of current weapons. Discoveries pertinent to medical progress have often come from remote and unexpected sources, and it is certain that this will be true in the future. New products and new processes do not appear full-grown. He layers historical context with a deeper examination of publicly funded science, and he challenges the scientific community to be more inclusive. Science, the endless frontier; : a report to the President on a program for postwar scientific research,, by Vannevar Bush, director. While there will always be the rare individual who will rise to the top without benefit of formal education and training, he is the exception and even he might make a more notable contribution if he had the benefit of the best education we have to offer. The Secretaries of War and Navy recently stated in a joint letter to the National Academy of Sciences: This war emphasizes three facts of supreme importance to national security: (1) Powerful new tactics of defense and offense are developed around new weapons created by scientific and engineering research; (2) the competitive time element in developing those weapons and tactics may be decisive; (3) war is increasingly total war, in which the armed services must be supplemented by active participation of every element of civilian population. When you select "Accept all cookies," you're agreeing to let your browser store that data on your device so that we can provide you with a better, more relevant experience. Science, The Endless Frontier. Assuming a sample surface with a sticking coefficient of unity (i.e., nearly every impinging particle sticks to the surface), a simple rule of thumb states that the surface would be covered with one monolayer of adsorbates for 1 s of exposure to a gas pressure of 10 6 mbar (Ref. Stay connected for new books and special offers. COUPON: RENT Science, the Endless Frontier 1st edition by Bush eBook (9780691201658) and save up to 80% on online textbooks at Chegg.com now! Appropriations should be earmarked for the purposes of specific Divisions, but the Foundation should be left discretion with respect to the expenditure of each Division's funds. One of the most important factors affecting the amount of industrial research is the income-tax law. The details should be worked out with reference to the interests of the several States and of the universities and colleges; and care should be taken not to impair the freedom of the institutions and individuals concerned. The committee advising me on scientific personnel has stated the following principle which should guide our planning: "If we were all-knowing and all-wise we might, but we think probably not, write you a plan whereby there might be selected for training, which they otherwise would not get, those who, 20 years hence, would be scientific leaders, and we might not bother about any lesser manifestations of scientific ability. CHAPTER 4. To enter into contracts with or make grants to educational and nonprofit research institutions for support of scientific research. medicine, physics, psychology, history and philosophy of science, machine learning, education, and neuroscience. The trend is unlikely to be driven by changes in citation practices or the quality of published work. Save Cancel CONTENTS Preface 1: Introduction 2: Pathways to Leadership Then and Now 3: Responding to an Evolving Research Enterprise 4: Science and the Public 5: Science and Philanthropy Figure 4 shows that all included studies presented low risk of bias to 'baseline characteristics,' but no study presented low risk of bias to 'allocation concealment,' 'random housing,' 'blinding for intervention,' or 'random outcome assessment.' Only one study presented low risk of bias to 'sequence generation.' Language English Pages 184 To date, with the exception of the intensive war research conducted by the Office of Scientific Research and Development, such support has been meager and intermittent. We could not suggest to you a program which would syphon into science and technology a disproportionately large share of the nation's highest abilities, without doing harm to the nation, nor, indeed, without crippling science. We have a serious deficit in scientific personnel partly because the men who would have studied science in the colleges and universities have been serving in the Armed Forces. Risk of bias assessment. Expenditures for research in the colleges, universities, and research institutes will otherwise not be able to meet the additional demands of increased public need for research. The American research enterprise is the engine of ingenuity in our nation and is urgently needed to tackle the most pressing priorities of our timefrom the coronavirus pandemic to the climate crisis, and from income disparity to gun violence. EPUB or PDF. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. The amount which can be effectively spent in the first year should not exceed 5 million dollars. In some cases coordinated direct attack on special problems may be made by teams of investigators, supplementing similar attacks carried on by the Army, Navy, Public Health Service, and other organizations. Bush, Vannevar; Abstract. 4. To obtain and utilize the services of other Government agencies to the extent that such agencies are prepared to render such services. Science, the endless frontier : a report to the President, Vannevar Bush Creator Bush, Vannevar, 1890-1974 Summary This influential report described science as "a largely unexplored hinterland" that would provide the "essential key" to the economic prosperity of the post World War II years Language eng Work Publication The Congress is now considering legislation to provide funds for this Board by direct appropriation. ", * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, "The uses to which high ability in youth can be put are various and, to a large extent, are determined by social pressures and rewards. The extent and nature of these new responsibilities are set forth in detail in the reports of the committees whose recommendations in this regard are fully endorsed. - It should be the function of this Division to support long-range scientific research on military matters. United Kingdom This point has been well stated by the Moe Committee as follows: "As citizens, as good citizens, we therefore think that we must have in mind while examining the question before us -- the discovery and development of scientific talent -- the needs of the whole national welfare. It is at this crucial juncture that Rush Holt, in his powerful introduction, renews the call for robust funding of basic research with an appeal for a fully inclusive coalition of science and society to promote a better future for all. The director should receive a salary that is fully adequate to attract an outstanding man to the post. Such ravaging diseases as yellow fever, dysentery, typhus, tetanus, pneumonia, and meningitis have been all but conquered by penicillin and the sulfa drugs, the insecticide DDT, better vaccines, and improved hygenic measures. Today, it is truer than ever that basic research is the pacemaker of technological progress. It results in general knowledge and an understanding of nature and its laws. Our ability to overcome possible future enemies depends upon scientific advances which will proceed more rapidly with diffusion of knowledge than under a policy of continued restriction of knowledge now in our possession. 2. He understands what the place of science in our democratic society has beenand what it should be. There are certain basic principles which must underlie the program of Government support for scientific research and education if such support is to be effective and if it is to avoid impairing the very things we seek to foster. More elaborate and expensive equipment is required, supplies are more costly, and the wages of assistants are higher. At the same time, the teaching hospitals are especially well qualified to carry on medical research because of their close connection with the medical schools, on which they depend for staff and supervision. Basic research is performed without thought of practical ends. Meanwhile, research costs have steadily risen. Science: The Endless Frontier, sowing seeds for the innovation and technology-driven productivity gains that propelled the United States to global economic and geopolitical leadership, generated unprecedented wealth for Americans, and drove social progress. One lesson is clear from the reports of the several committees attached as appendices. These uncertainties are, in part, attributable to the difficulties and expense incident to the operation of the patent system as it presently exists. However, the job of long-range research involving application of the newest scientific discoveries to military needs should be the responsibility of those civilian scientists in the universities and in industry who are best trained to discharge it thoroughly and successfully. Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Steps should be taken to reduce that handicap. First, the sound democratic principle that there should be no favored classes or special privilege in a time of peril, that all should be ready to sacrifice equally; second, the tenet that every man should serve in the capacity in which his talents and experience can best be applied for the prosecution of the war effort. Further, it is clear that only the Government can undertake military research; for it must be carried on in secret, much of it has no commercial value, and it is expensive. Science Is a Proper Concern of Government. There must be more -- and more adequate -- military research during peacetime. - Studies by the several committees provide a partial basis for making an estimate of the order of magnitude of the funds required to implement the proposed program. Added to these are many maladies (for example, the common cold, arthritis, asthma and hay fever, peptic ulcer) which, through infrequently fatal, cause incalculable disability. History. It is essential that both kinds of research go forward and that there be the closest liaison between the two groups. The most important single factor in scientific and technical work is the quality of the personnel employed. Working against time, the Office of Scientific Research and Development has been obliged to enforce this practice during the war, although it was realized by all concerned that it was an emergency measure which prevented the continuous cross-fertilization so essential to fruitful scientific effort. Further progress requires that the entire front of medicine and the underlying sciences of chemistry, physics, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, bacteriology, pathology, parasitology, etc., be broadly developed. Committed suicide at war's end. Adherence to the usual procedures in the case of research contracts will impair the efficiency of research operations and will needlessly increase the cost of the work of the Government. These uncertainties are also attributable to the existence of certain abuses, which have appeared in the use of patents. The National Academy of Sciences hosted a symposium on February 26, 2020, that gathered top business, academic, and government leaders to explore whether the modern research architecture that fuels U.S. innovation needs to be reconfigured to meet the challenges of our time. Citation Type. IV. Research is also affected by the patent laws. Compra Science, the endless frontier: A report to the President by Vannevar Bush, director of the Office of scientific research and development. V-2 was countered only by the capture of the launching sites. Science, the Endless Frontier 1945 Washington, D. C. Government Printing Office 184 A Report to the President. In addition a flow of scientific information constitutes one facet of general international accord which should be cultivated. As President Roosevelt observed, the annual deaths from one or two diseases are far in excess of the total number of American lives lost in battle during this war. Basic research is a long-term process -- it ceases to be basic if immediate results are expected on short-term support. The development of such materials and methods to the point at which they become available to medical practitioners requires teamwork involving the medical schools, the science departments of universities, Government and the pharmaceutical industry. In the event that if you are a researcher, educator and understudy occupied with science history, or anybody keen on figuring out how science has been upheld by government authority, you'll value The National Science Foundation's Science: The Endless Frontier" as a helpful chronicled asset for the present academic local area. The V-1 attack on London was finally defeated by three devices developed during this war and used superbly in the field. Such impetus can come promptly only from the Government. During the war it has been necessary for selected groups of scientists to work on specialized problems, with relatively little information as to what other groups were doing and had done. The chief executive officer of the Foundation should be a director appointed by the Members. This is, largely, the product of three factors -- the free play of initiative of a vigorous people under democracy, the heritage of great national wealth, and the advance of science and its application. Science, by itself, provides no panacea for individual, social, and economic ills. The deficit of those holding advanced degrees -- that is, young scholars trained to the point where they are capable of carrying on original work -- has been estimated as amounting to about 17,000 by 1955 in chemistry, engineering, geology, mathematics, physics, psychology, and the biological sciences. The commercial incentive can be relied upon for that. China Each Division of the Foundation should be made up of at least five members, appointed by the Members of the Foundation. Reflecting on the reports legacy and relevance along with its limitations, Holt contends that the publics ability to cope with todays issuessuch as public health, the changing climate and environment, and challenging technologies in modern societyrequires a more capacious understanding of what science can contribute. The CHIPS and Science Act combines two bipartisan bills the Endless Frontier Act, designed to boost investment in domestic high-tech research and the CHIPS for America Act, designed to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the U.S. The search for better anti-malarials, which proceeded at a moderate tempo for many years, has been accelerated enormously by Government support during the war. It is important that the patent system continue to serve the country in the manner intended by the Constitution, for it has been a vital element in the industrial vigor which has distinguished this nation. PUB L I C. VA L U E. SCIE NCE SCIE NCE. The mobilization of science behind the lines is aiding the fighting men at the front to win the war and to shorten it; and it has resulted incidentally in the accumulation of a vast amount of experience and knowledge of the application of science to particular problems, much of which can be put to use when the war is over. Horgan is a prolific author and columnist for Scientific American, whose interview subjects included a list of scientists who might be seen as the most disruptive crew of the last three . * * * So in the last analysis, the future of science in this country will be determined by our basic educational policy.". The interdisciplinary and global approach provides a thorough introduction and includes . In the decade from 1930 to 1940 expenditures for industrial research increased from $116,000,000 to $240,000,000 and those for scientific research in Government rose from $24,000,000 to $69,000,000. There should be an administrative office responsible to the director to handle in one place the fiscal, legal, personnel, and other similar administrative functions necessary to the accomplishment of the purposes of the Foundation. They are charged with the responsibility of conserving the knowledge accumulated by the past, imparting that knowledge to students, and contributing new knowledge of all kinds. BERNHARD RUST (1883 - 1945) Nazi Minister of Science, Education and National Culture. I cannot improve on President Conant's statement that: "* * * in every section of the entire area where the word science may properly be applied, the limiting factor is a human one. There is thus an accumulating deficit of trained research personnel which will continue for many years. The primary place for medical research is in the medical schools and universities. Citation; Raw Data; Library.Link Network; Borrow it Toggle Dropdown. International Exchange of Scientific Information. To adopt, promulgate, amend, and rescind rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of the legislation and the policies and practices of the Foundation. Rather, the decline represents a substantive shift in science and technology, . The time has come when such support should be extended to other fields. III. Except to the extent that military security dictates otherwise, such knowledge should be spread upon the record for the benefit of the general public. The resulting typology not only gives insights into the relationships that might exist between static publications, but also the rich process whereby an ongoing research project evolves through interactions with the research literature. RENEWAL OF OUR SCIENTIFIC TALENT ScienceThe Endless Frontier, and the Next 75 Years in Science With Robbert Dijkgraaf 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the publication of Vannevar Bush's seminal report "ScienceThe Endless Frontier," which created a blueprint for U.S. scientific research in the post-World War II era. Members. Author (s) Praise 18. VII. With his insightful introduction to this landmark work, Rush Holt sets forth a persuasive case that a new science policy is vital, not only to our research infrastructure, but also to our very democracy. Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS. It is in keeping with the American tradition -- one which has made the United States great -- that new frontiers shall be made accessible for development by all American citizens. It is my view that most of the remainder of the classified scientific material should be released as soon as there is ground for belief that the enemy will not be able to turn it against us in this war. 7. By the same token these groups cannot be made the repository of the new and large responsibilities in science which belong to the Government and which the Government should accept. In addition, a detailed study, with recommendations concerning the extent to which modifications should be made in our patent laws is currently being made under the leadership of the Secretary of Commerce. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Foundation Members (acting as a board), the director should discharge all the fiscal, legal, and administrative functions of the Foundation. For even if we should start now to train the current crop of high school graduates, it would be 1951 before they would complete graduate studies and be prepared for effective scientific research. Since research is unlike the procurement of standardized items, which are susceptible to competitive bidding on fixed specifications, the legislation creating the National Research Foundation should free the Foundation from the obligation to place its contracts for research through advertising for bids. To enlarge the group of specially qualified men and women it is necessary to increase the number who go to college. It can be effective in the national welfare only as a member of a team, whether the conditions be peace or war. There are talented individuals in every segment of the population, but with few exceptions those without the means of buying higher education go without it. United States How to cite this article: . Science, the Endless Frontier is recognized as the landmark argument for the essential role of science in society and government's responsibility to support scientific endeavors. Even if it be shown subsequently that he has not what it takes to go to the top, he will go further than he would otherwise go if there had been a ceiling beyond which he always knew he could not aspire. The growth of research departments in medical schools ahs been very uneven, however, and in consequence most of the important work has been done in a few large schools. Beijing 100016, P.R. The event was held in partnership with The Kavli Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to mark the 75th anniversary of the publication of Vannevar Bush's seminal report Science, the Endless Frontier, which created . July 1945 Creator United States, Office of Scientific Research and Development Contributor Bush, Vannevar, 1890-1974 Language eng Work Publication Washington, National Science Foundation, 1960 Extent The other is to provide for preparation of the material and its publication in a form and at a price which will facilitate dissemination and use. Each year 125,000 new mental cases are hospitalized. This fact underlines the necessity of salvaging potential scientists in uniform. How can the United States channel science and technology for public good and social justice, not only economic growth? In discharging these responsibilities Federal funds should be made available. A broad dissemination of scientific information upon which further advances can readily be made furnishes a sounder foundation for our national security than a policy of restriction which would impede our own progress although imposed in the hope that possible enemies would not catch up with us. 3. This is essential reading for anyone who cares about the future of science in America. Within days, we learned that just such a challengethe global COVID-19 pandemichad already arrived. Directions, Princeton Asia (Beijing) Consulting Co., Ltd. Science Education 1944 October 28:231-38 28: 282-88; December 1944. . But they have been diverted to a greater extent than is generally appreciated from the search for answers to the fundamental problems -- from the search on which human welfare and progress depends. II. We will not get ahead in international trade unless we offer new and more attractive and cheaper products. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. There are some notable exceptions, it is true, but even in such cases it is rarely possible to match the universities in respect to the freedom which is so important to scientific discovery. Industry learned many years ago that basic research cannot often be fruitfully conducted as an adjunct to or a subdivision of an operating agency or department. It is wholly probable that progress in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, cancer, and similar refractory diseases will be made as the result of fundamental discoveries in subjects unrelated to those diseases, and perhaps entirely unexpected by the investigator. Notable examples are found within the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Interior, and the Federal Security Agency. The very successful pattern of organization of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, which has promoted basic research on problems of flight during the past thirty years, has been carefully considered in proposing the method of appointment of Members of the Foundation and in defining their responsibilities. While we are concerned primarily with methods of selecting and educating high school graduates at the college and higher levels, we cannot be complacent about the loss of potential talent which is inherent in the present situation. During the nineteenth century the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Naval Observatory, the Department of Agriculture, and the Geological Survey were established. The Government is peculiarly fitted to perform certain functions, such as the coordination and support of broad programs on problems of great national importance. . . Since 1900 a large number of scientific agencies have been established within the Federal Government, until in 1939 they numbered more than 40. . Science, by itself, provides no panacea for individual, social, and economic ills. Science, Technology and Public Policy PUBP 4410/6401 Fall 2022 Version: Friday, August 19, 2022 Tuesday & . THE WAR AGAINST DISEASE In my opinion, however, we have drawn too heavily for nonscientific purposes upon the great natural resource which resides in our trained young scientists and engineers. Science, the Endless Frontier is recognized as the landmark argument for the essential role of science in society and government's responsibility to support scientific endeavors. There are within Government departments many groups whose interests are primarily those of scientific research. "John Holdren, Harvard University and former chief science advisor to President Obama, "With the reissue of Science, the Endless Frontier, I am once more struck by the majesty of Vannevar Bushs vision for the role of science. To encourage and enable a larger number of young men and women of ability to take up science as a career, and in order gradually to reduce the deficit of trained scientific personnel, it is recommended that provision be made for a reasonable number of (a) undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships and (b) fellowships for advanced training and fundamental research. The number of independent agencies should be kept to a minimum. 4 Citations. SUMMER 2020 35. public values. Businessmen would thus be able to make more use of research than they now do. should not prevent us from pointing out some of the shortcomings of that pioneering effort. Scientific progress. 1) The Bush report focused on basic science and university-trained scientific manpower, while ignoring or downplaying applied research and development. It is estimated that an adequate program for Federal support of basic research in the colleges, universities, and research institutes and for financing important applied research in the public interest, will cost about 10 million dollars at the outset and may rise to about 50 million dollars annually when fully underway at the end of perhaps 5 years. Citation manager of your choice such services least five Members, appointed by the capture the. It can be effective in the medical schools and universities provides a introduction. 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